7.03.2 Copying Existing Geometry to a Template Shapefile

This Section is for those staff who have not used a Template Shapefile downloaded from GRID to populate their field data (historical data). If you would like to download and use a Template Shapefile go to Section 7.2.

  1. Download the Template shapefile(s) corresponding to your activity (see Section 7.2). There can be multiple shapefiles for one activity (i.e polyline and point shapefile templates).
  2. Save the Template Shapefile in the same folder as your Source Shapefile (the shapefile containing your raw field data).
  3. Open QGIS.
  4. Ensure your QGIS Workspace is in the right projection (the same as GRID’s Template Shapefiles – GDA94 MGA Zone 50):
    1. Go to Project > Project Properties.
    2. Check the box Enable ‘on the fly’ CRS transformation.
    3. Start typing “GDA94 / MGA zone 50” in the filter.
    4. Select GDA94 / MGA zone 50 from the Coordinate reference systems of the world list or the Recently used coordinate reference systems list, click OK.
    5. Click Add Vector Layer 6_vector and Browse 7_browse  to find your Source Shapefile.
    6. Click Open 8_open  to add to QGIS.
  5. Ensure your Source shapefile has the same projection as GRID’s Template Shapefiles:
    1. Right click the Source Shapefile, click Properties, then click the General.
    2. If the Source Shapefile is GDA94 / MGA zone 50 go to Step 21, if not continue on.
    3. Cancel 10_cancel the Layer Properties dialog box.
    4. Right click on the Source Shapefile again and click Save As.
    5. Click Browse 7_browse opposite Save As, navigate to the folder with the Template Shapefile and give it a name (i.e. Historic_Poly_MGA50.shp).
    6. Click Save 18_save.
    7. Click the CRS browse button 13_CRS (opposite CRS) and start typing “GDA94 / MGA zone 50” in the filter.
    8. Select GDA94 / MGA zone 50, then click OK 19_OK.
    9. Ensure the Add Saved File to Map box is checked 9_addtomap.
    10. Click OK 19_OK again to save the new shapefile.
  6. You now have a Source Shapefile (with your project data) in the same projection as the Template Shapefile.
  7. Delete the original historic data layer from the workspace.
  8. Click Add Vector Layer 6_vector and Browse 7_browse to find the corresponding Template Shapefile.
  9. Click Open 8_open  to add to QGIS as a layer.
  10. Right click on your Source shapefile (historic data) in the Layers list. Click Open Attribute Table.
  11. Make sure you have an ID field in your Source shapefile (if you do go to Step 30).
  12. If not, from the Attribute Table click on Edit 15_save and New Column 16_new_column.
  13. Name the field “ID” (must be in capital letters) and give it a Type of Whole Number (integer). Click OK 19_OK.
  14. Make sure you have unique integers (i.e. 1, 2, 3…) for each record in your ID field (they do not have to be sequential).
    1. If not, double click on a cell to change the number(s) so they are all unique.
  15. Click Edit 15_save to end the editing session and Save 18_save to save the changes.
  16. You are now ready to copy your Source (historic) data to the Template shapefile.
  17. Right click on your Source shapefile and open the Attribute Table.
  18. Clicking Edit 15_save.
  19. Click the top right corner of the table to Select All.
  20. Click the Copy selected rows to the clipboard icon 18_copy rows from the Toolbar.
  21. Close the Attributes Table of your Source shapefile.
  22. Select your Template shapefile from the layers list, ensuring it is highlighted.
  23. Turn on Editing Mode for this layer from the Toolbar 19_EditMode.
  24. Go to Edit > Paste Features.
  25. You will see a message stating the features were successfully pasted.
  26. Right click on the Template layer and select Open Attributes Table.
  27. The features form your source shapefile should now appear in the Attributes table.
    22_attributes table
  28. You can now populate the Attributes Table for your historic features (see Section 7.3.3).