6.12 Internal, External and Public access levels for GRID

Internal, external and public is used in GRID for defining access and user type. A table explaining how these definitions effect GRID users can be found below.

GRID page Options What it does Pre-requisites
Add User Is not External Considered “Internal User“.
Can view all Base Layers and Activity Layers.
Can edit all Activity data.
Does not have administrator rights.
Requires “Organisation”
  Is External Considered “External User“.
Can view only “External” and “Public” defined Base Layers.
Can only see the Activity Layers deemed “External” or “Public” in the table of contents.
Can only see, add and edit their own data.   Does not have administrator rights.
Base Layer Internal Baselayer data is accessible and viewable only to “Internal Users“.
  External Baselayer data is accessible and viewable to “Internal Users” and “External Users” (all GRID users).
  Public Baselayer data is accessible and viewable to “Internal Users” and “External Users” (all GRID users), and accessed publicly via an external webmap.
Activity Layer Internal Activity layer is accessible only to “Internal Users”.
Internal Users” can see the layer in the table in contents. They can view and edit all data, and add their own data into the Layer.
  External Activity layer is accessible to “Internal Users” and “External Users” (all GRID users).
Internal Users” can see the layer in the table of contents. They can view and edit all data, and add their own data into the Layer.
External Users” can see the layer in the table of contents. They can view, edit and add only their own data into the layer.
  Public Activity layer is available to all users in GRID, and publicly via the webpage map.
Internal Users” can see the layer in the table of contents. They can view and edit all data, and add their own data into the Layer.
External Users” can see the layer in the table of contents. They can view, edit and add only their own data into the layer.
The below have been separated as the definitions do not affect users or determine how layers are shown.


GRID page Options What it does Pre-requisites
Add Organisation Is not External Considered an internal staff member or similar.
Is External An external organisation, such as a consultant.
Add Program Is not External Considered an internal program.
Under organisations, no drop down options are given.
All GRID users are able to access both “Is not External” and “External” programs.
Requires “Organisation”
Is External Considered an external program completed by an external organisation.
Under organisation, drop down list contains organisations classed as “Is External”.
All GRID users are able to access both “Is not External” and “External” programs.