6.08 Add new baselayer data

To add a new Base Layer:

  1. Click on Admin and Data.
  2. Click Add Layer.
  3. Click the tab you require based on your data format :
  4. Fill out the details for your data. Explanations of all fields found in ALL data formats are below:
    • Name: The baselayer name that will be used in GRID.
    • Category: The category that your activity will be grouped under.
    • Order: The order in which the baselayer will show in regards to all the other layers in GRID – 1 indicates the very bottom layer. If layers have the same order, GRID will randomly select one to show above the other.
    • Data File: Browse for the location of your data.Data must be in zipped format for shapefiles.
      Data must be in a GPX format for GPS outputs.
    • Data URL: The URL of your Web Map Service or XYZ tileset.
    • Is Spherical Mercator: If checked, the XYZ tileset is Spherical Mercator.
    • Min Scale: The minimum scale you would like your data to show in the GRID map.
    • Max Scale: The maximum scale you would like your data to show in the GRID map.Keep these values empty if you want to see the data at all scales.
    • Layer Access: What type of user will be able to see and add to this activity.Internal:           Only Internal users have access to this activity.

      External:           Internal and External users have access to this activity.

      Public:              The layer can be seen externally on a website. Also both Internal and External users have access to this activity.

      More details on users can be found in 6.12 Internal, External and Public permission levels in GRID.

  5. Click Submit.
  6. Layers can be deleted by selecting them from the table and clicking on Delete Layer.
  7. To specifically upload GPS eXchange format go to Admin, Data and follow from 4.1.2 Upload GPS.
  8. To upload Web Map Service (WMS) go to Admin, Data and follow 4.1.3 Establish Web Map Service (WMS) connection.
  9. To upload a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) go to Admin, Data and follow 4.1.4 Adding a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) connection.
  10. To upload an XYZ tileset, please contact the GRID Support team if you would like further information.
  11. To upload GeoTIFFs (image/ raster) go to Admin, Data and follow from 4.1.6 Upload GeoTIFF format.